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Grow your agency by focusing on what you’re good at and leave your SEO to the specialists from £25 per week.

Technical SEO

On average, our white label partners generate an additional £89,000 revenue each year offering our services as part of their product mix.

Why Choose GSD?

GSD have operated in the SEO industry for over 15-years.

With clients from local 1-man-bands to global £bn tech startups. There isn’t much we haven’t seen in that time, nothing we haven’t strategised or delivered and conquered in SEO.

Now, all we do is white label SEO, no fuss, no BS, no conflicts of interest.

We are ONLY here to help our customers grow their agencies.

Everything we do is built, structured and delivered to help your agency grow. Having been there ourselves and owning a bespoke SEO agency that turned over £m’s, we’re uniquely placed to know what works, how and at a price that works for everyone.

How Does It Work?

Most of our white label partners simply give us a call, drop us a slack or a text message with a brief outline of the clients wants, needs and targets. From there we propose a package that will fit.

These don’t always match, i.e the client might have expectations exceeding their budgets or be able to do better.

We’re always transparent and will have an honest conversation with you about deliverables and what will likely happen – it’s up to you how you relay this back to the end client.

Real Time Reporting

Real time reporting for you and your end client. Track and analyse our SEO efforts, connect analytics, ads, email and much more to get a 360 degree view of your clients marketing. All free of charge.

“Moving up on these keywords is fantastic progress, something i’ve been wanting to see for a long time! Keep up the great work. We are finishing here tomorrow for Christmas. 2022 will be a very exciting year with everything we have planned. I’m Looking forward to working together next year on these.”

Simon S

Agency Owner, London

White Label Technical SEO

Technical SEO is an essential part of an overall SEO strategy that focuses on the ‘back end’ of websites, optimising their various technical SEO elements to make them more visible on search engines.

This includes optimising the entire architecture of websites and appropriately structuring the data they contain so that it is understandable to search engines, besides optimising speed and other performance aspects. All of which causes search engines to rank your website higher.

White label technical SEO can be extremely useful to marketing businesses. We can perform all of the difficult and labour-intensive tasks that are involved in technical SEO, and you can take all of the credit.

Many of clients use us to audit, suggest fixes, solve problems and maintain their clients websites to ensure everything is running smoothly.

What Technical SEO Elements Can You Help With?

Technical SEO can be a very complex subject that involves optimising various technical aspects of a website. 

But, in most cases getting it right isn’t a complicated process, it’s usually more time consuming that difficult and technical SEO isn’t anything to worry about, it can all be fixed.

Onsite or technical SEO is about 15% of what will get you ranking on Google, so it’s important that it is done correctly. There’s over 200 different elements that build up that 15%, so our job is to tick as many boxes as possible.

Some boxes can’t be ticked, for example, it’s almost impossible to have a very high technical SEO score when using a CMS like Shopify or WordPress. We can advise on best practice and ways around certain situations like this. 

These are a few of the technical SEO areas that we work with daily:

Structure and navigation: Search engines cannot crawl and index poorly structured sites, as they are more difficult to automatically navigate. The first step in technical SEO is improving the structure of a site and the accessibility of its data.

Crawling, rendering and indexing: These issues need to be identified and addressed to optimise the technical SEO of a site. This includes doing things like analysing coverage reports on Google Search Console.

Poor and duplicate content: Ensuring each page of a website has unique and original content and deleting duplicate content is another important feature of technical SEO. 

Speed: This is one aspect of technical SEO which has a direct effect on rankings, as long as you have completed other important optimisation tasks. Site loading speed is one of the primary determinants of quality as viewed by Google.

How We Can Help

Partnering with a white label marketing firm to help with your clients that need technical SEO support means you can offer your clients a broader range of services and focus on what you are good are. 

Perhaps you specialise on social media, graphic or web design, but you want to offer a more all-encompassing service, or perhaps you aren’t able to offer SEO services at all, and you want to do so to retain clients. We can help.

You, and your clients can monitor our progress through our live SEO dashboard, where you can see all of the fantastic things we are doing for your clients website. You can then keep your clients updated about the great results that we’re achieving, and keep all of the credit for yourself.

Even if a website looks excellent and contains great content, without proper technical SEO, the website won’t rank high on search engines. Search engines need to find, crawl, index and render your web pages, because when they do, your website will generate much more organic traffic, due to its higher position in the search results.

Partnering with us means you can direct an even greater amount of attention to providing other services, whilst we mobilise our white label technical SEO experts and achieve your clients some impactful results. This can aid you in scaling your company without having to onboard additional staff or provide further training to existing ones.

Fill out out contact form today and we’ll explain how we can become an asset to your organisation.

  • The SEO landscape is constantly evolving with new Google algorithms and updates. Keywords are no longer the only factor in order to rank higher in search engine rankings. Technical SEO is one of the most overlooked components by agencies that can take a clients website from good to great.

    Technical SEO includes everything from ensuring the website is mobile friendly to ensuring search engines can crawl it effectively.

    The great thing about technical SEO is that it doesn’t require massive long term updates or changes to your site, most of it can be done up front and then maintained and monitored over a longer basis.

    1. Content Quality over Quantity – Quality content is the foundation of any great website. Fresh, informative and compelling content is key in ranking on Google. The days of keyword stuffing are over, with users becoming more savvy everyday you need to ensure your content is unique and original.

    2. Mobile Friendly – Google has now gone mobile, with 61% of searches being performed on a mobile device. Ensure your site is mobile friendly to ensure a better user experience.

    3. Site Speed – The average site takes 7 seconds to load and will often result in a bounce rate. Ensure your undefined website is fast and responsive to provide a better user experience.

    4. Keyword Research – Knowing what keywords to target is one of the most important aspects of search engine optimisation. Make sure you know your audience and what they want to find when searching for your business.

    If you’re not monitoring, updating and continually improving your clients onsite SEO you could be losing ground in the battle for rankings.

  • If you want your clients website to rank as high as possible, then you will need to invest in both on-page and off-page optimisation. Although link building and offsite SEO is considered to have the most impact on rankings, without onsite or technical SEO being done right, there is no point in spending time and effort with offsite.

  • There are many reasons, and after 15 years in the SEO industry – including owning a bespoke SEO agency – this is my opinion of why you should outsource your technical SEO.

    Technical SEO is not easy, it requires dedication, research and focus. If you are not able to give your complete focus and attention to this then you might be better off outsourcing it to someone who is.

    The tools you need to need to do a proper job are not cheap, maintain subscriptions on the likes of Moz, Semrush, Ahrefs etc to monitor your clients sites can run to a grand a month.

    We have a huge list of technical SEO problems that we’ve come across many, many times over the years in the industry and how to fix them, it’s easier and quicker when you’ve seen a problem before. It’s also imperative that you consider the implications of your actions, for example changing a title tag may seem simple but that can impact your CTR on SERPs.

    Of course, as a business, the best long term route would be to learn technical SEO yourself or in-house and not need to outsource elements of the campaigns, but in the short term or if you want a more hands-off process, use someone like us.

  • For many small businesses, technical SEO is the missing piece to their digital marketing strategy. Many of these companies are not even aware they need to invest in this area.

    They think that all they need to do is create quality content and everything will be alright. However, the truth is that you can have all of the content in the world but if your website cannot be found online, then it will never convert visitors into customers.

    There are many advantages that come with investing in technical SEO. Some of the main advantages are:

    1. You will get your clients website indexed by search engines faster (It is important to note that in the first couple of months after your site is launched it is crucial to ensure that it will be indexed by search engines as fast as possible).

    2. The likelihood of your clients website ranking higher in search engine results pages is a lot higher.

    3. The likelihood of getting traffic from search engines (organic traffic) will also be higher.

    4. The traffic you get will be of a high quality as compared to any other form of traffic generation.

    5. It will improve the clients click through rates on search engines.

    6. It will increase the clients conversion rates of your call to actions.

    7. It will improve your clients average time spent by visitors on your site.

    8. It is cheaper than Adwords or other forms of traffic generation and it will pay for itself in the long run.

    9. It can be done by yourself but if you are not technical or do not have a solid understanding of how search engines work, it is best to get someone else to do it for you.

    10. It will help increase your website traffic, provided your website is established and has good content.

    There are over a dozens more advantages to technical SEO but from a business perspective the main reason to outsource your technical SEO to us would be one of 3 reasons:

    1. Make more

    2. Save time

    3. Increase efficiency

    All of which will help you grow your agency.

  • The two most important things we can do to improve your site’s technical and increase your clients rankings are SEO load time and create a Google AMP version for use in news articles.

    Site speed is not just an SEO factor anymore, but rather, it has become a user experience factor. The faster your site loads, the more engaged users will be with your content.

    You also need to create a Google AMP version of your site because many publishers are beginning to prioritise it in their search results. Get in touch if you want to know more.

    Our technical SEO process is not a one-size fits all, it’s tailored to the clients website and its goals. There are many technical on-site elements that can impact your site’s rankings such as; site speed, server response times, HTML/CSS errors and compliance with Google’s webmaster guidelines. We evaluate your site on a regular basis to make sure it is up to scratch and is delivering what is needed to help you look good and the client happy.

    The two most important things we can do to improve your site’s technical and increase your clients rankings are SEO load time and create a Google AMP version for use in news articles.

    Site speed is not just an SEO factor anymore, but rather, it has become a user experience factor. The faster your site loads, the more engaged users will be with your content.

    You also need to create a Google AMP version of your site because many publishers are beginning to prioritise it in their search results. Get in touch if you want to know more.

    Our technical SEO process is not a one-size fits all, it’s tailored to the clients website and its goals. There are many technical on-site elements that can impact your site’s rankings such as; site speed, server response times, HTML/CSS errors and compliance with Google’s webmaster guidelines. We evaluate your site on a regular basis to make sure it is up to scratch and is delivering what is needed to help you look good and the client happy.


    Technical SEO can be a powerful competitive differentiator. Many companies are not aware of what it entails, which leaves them at a disadvantage to those who are aware. The great thing about outsourcing your technical SEO is that it doesn’t take years to implement, we can work on it almost immediately to improve the service you provide to the client and it will help you grow your agency.

    Technical SEO can be a powerful competitive differentiator. Many companies are not aware of what it entails, which leaves them at a disadvantage to those who are aware. The great thing about outsourcing your technical SEO is that it doesn’t take years to implement, we can work on it almost immediately to improve the service you provide to the client and it will help you grow your agency.